Speaking + Group Consulting

Opportunities To Work With Ellen


Ellen Ercolini is a voice of clarity and calm for those seeking help unblocking the path to success at work, in life, and in relationships.

Ellen will expertly guide you in a variety of settings to reveal the nature of your internal make-up so you can access your best tools for personal development and growth. Looking to lead a diverse team, make your dreams a reality, or step outside your comfort zone? Ellen will show you the way!

Ellen is a featured speaker at events across the country. No group is too large or small to consider. Fill out the form for more information.


Group Frequency Workshops + Consulting

Ellen works wonders with teams by utilizing the group’s frequency data in exercises and hands-on applications so everyone is on the path toward crystal clear communication and growth.

Group frequency workshops at a glance:

  • All participants get a full Frequency Report
  • Team-building exercises based on reports
  • Methods of application
  • Manager consult / wrap-up

If you are interested in contacting Ellen for a Frequency Team-Building workshop, fill out the form!


Charlene marie_profile


“The Frequency Forecasts provide details each month that help me navigate through emotions, experiences, and situations with ease. Knowing what frequencies are happening specifically with myself, my month, and my year, allows me to work with the natural energies, rather than against them... thus, allowing for more good to come into my life!

With each Frequency Forecast, I look forward to hearing what's in store for the month and in what ways I can best "flow" with the current frequencies”

Charlene Marie, Earth