Yearly Frequency Forecast: February 2019-January 2010

Yearly Frequency Forecasts: February 2019 - January 2020

Welcome to your yearly Frequency forecast!

Your yearly Frequency forecast is a 20 minute video detailing you can expect, plan for and watch out for this year. It goes into what months are going to be your best (and most challenging), what to look out for this year and how to navigate the ins and outs of your energetic year.

Understanding why your year feels different from last year, and what to do to lean into the energy is a big opportunity and can make an incredible difference in the success of your year.

Purchase your 2019 yearly overview Frequency Forecast video and tracking Calendar specific to your Foundational Frequency.

Please purchase the Forecast that correlates to your Foundational Frequency.  If you are unsure what your Foundational Frequency is, please take the quiz to find out. 

Digital products are non-refundable, all yearly forecasts are $18.