Gold Money Blocks

Each Frequency has a unique way of seeing the world, which is why it’s so helpful to know which position your Frequencies are in, because that’s the area of your life they’ll impact the most directly.  If a Frequency is in your Foundational position, it’ll effect you in an overarching, foundational way.  If it’s in your Professional position, it will effect how you make and earn money.  Both can have impacts on your relationship to money and some money blocks you may be facing.

Each Frequency has strengths and challenges, including the way it relates to and sees money.

Understanding how your Frequency views money, and thus the common blocks or challenges it might have with it gives you insight and ultimately power to work on that money block baked into your life experience

Gold loves the finer things in life, and loves to be able to experience them with ease and freedom.  This means they’re not the best at paying attention to the budget or financial planning.  They prefer to just have enough money for whatever they desire — wouldn’t everybody?  Golds tend to have high quality tastes and don’t mind paying extra for luxury items.

A money block that is commonly associated with the Gold Frequency is being so worried that they might not have enough money that they avoid looking at their bank account to see what’s really going on.  Often times their fears and perceived scarcity is worse than the real financial picture.  These are Golds, so their tastes run to the more exclusive, high quality goods, so they might have a hard time keeping to a budget because they enjoy the top of the line on just about everything.   

The key here is to be honest about your financial picture.  How can you be honest about how much you have and and actually have available to spend?  It can be easy to go overboard or get so stuck in fear and avoidance that nothing happens, so it’s important to develop a healthy, honest relationship to money so you can not let your fears run the show.

The more a Gold Frequency can take an open, honest look at their finances – and not get wrapped up in words like “more” “not enough” the more you’ll be able to have a stronger relationship with money.  Because you love to live in the moment, you can tip into a scarcity mindset, so be aware of what’s true and real, when you need to tighten your belt, or when that’s your fears running the show.

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