The Power of Water

Water Frequencies can spend a lot of time thinking about big picture.  They care deeply about justice and doing the right thing.  Often this can make them natural mediators or leaders, because people come to them for their diplomatic advice rooted in doing the right thing, even if it’s hard.  

They also have a sense of time being a great asset. They know most actions, applied over time, can create big ripples.  The metaphor of the grand canyon being created over millions of years by a river resonates deeply with Water Frequencies.  They know that time, and timing, and their secret weapons that most other people don’t bother utilizing.

Nelson Mandela was a Foundational Water Frequency, and famously used his life to fight for his beliefs, including spending 27 years in jail.  His work and his commitment to what he knew was right ultimately lead to the end of apartheid in South Africa. His sense of justice, commitment and applying pressure over time led to a tremendous victory in South Africa that reverberated around the world. 

If Water shows up in your Frequency, put it to use towards a cause or purpose that positively impacts your world.  It doesn’t have to be as big as ending apartheid, anything that makes your world a brighter place will have a positive ripple effect.  You have an innate sense of timing, and how to use time to your advantage — most people expect overnight results and when they don’t get them they go home — not Water Frequencies — they keep going, carving their own path towards what they know is possible.  

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