Mountain Money Blocks

Each Frequency has a unique way of seeing the world, which is why it’s so helpful to know which position your Frequencies are in, because that’s the area of your life they’ll impact the most directly.  If a Frequency is in your Foundational position, it’ll effect you in an overarching, foundational way.  If it’s in your Professional position, it’ll effect how you make and earn money.  Both can have impacts on your relationship to money and some money blocks you may be facing.

Each Frequency has strengths and challenges, including the way it relates to and sees money.

Understanding how your Frequency views money, and thus the common blocks or challenges it might have with it gives you insight and ultimately power to work on that money block baked into your life experience

Mountain is a deep Frequency.  You tend to be someone who loves to go deep on topics, learning a lot, and ultimately, teaching a lot of what you learn. You are naturally good at processing the hard parts of life, and can use their processing skills to make space for others to do the same.  You’re innately powerful — hello, mountain! — but can get caught in your own insecurity.  This can lead to Mountain Earths undercharging for your time, feeling guilty about accepting money, or not asking for a raise when it’s well overdue.

A money block that is commonly associated with the Mountain Frequency is waiting forever to charge for your services, undercharge, or avoid asking for a raise.  They can get caught in feeling unworthy, or like you don’t know enough to deserve the money, even though Mountain are natural learners and likely know more than enough to get moving.

It’s important to get out of your head and anchor your decisions and actions in reality, not your fears or insecurities.  Mountain Earths are tremendously capable, yet tend to be the last people to see that.

The key to a Mountain financial growth is learning how to deal with their insecurity and bolster their confidence.  The more you can not get lost in your head and take action, the better your relationship with money will be.

Frequency Market

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